The Master Painter! What imagination an artist must have to envision a masterpiece in lieu of a blank canvas! Me? Well, I see a big white sheet of paper. I can't imagine the thoughts of those who viewed the Sistine Chapel prior to Michelangelo. To them it was just a 12000 square foot building. A chapel designed for worship and nothing more; however, to the artist, it was a masterpiece in the making. He saw the total picture.
The book of Micah was written by the prophet Micah sometime between 742 and 687 B.C. It was a time of absolute mayhem in the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Both kingdoms were skipping from one horrible king to another. The armies of Babylon had torn down the temple. The people lived in constant fear of being murdered, tortured, or taken into slavery. But in chapter 4, the prophet Micah begins to speak of a coming peace. Not just peace, but prosperity and restoration of the kingdom. Wow! Was he out of his mind? Was he blind to the destruction around him?
No. It seems that Micah had gotten a glimpse of the whole picture. He believed in the promise of God and knew, despite what was going on around him, God would deliver. Micah 4:12
"But they do not know
the thoughts of the LORD;
they do not understand his plan,
he who gathers them like sheaves to the threshing floor"
God's ways are unsearchable. We will never be able to understand.
Romans 11:33 "Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out!" Why is it that I do not understand what is going on in my life? I believe it is because I cannot see the whole picture. When I look at me, I see an empty painter's canvas. Here and there are a few brush strokes of color. But by no means a work of art worthy of display. Nope. Museum quality it is not. But then again, I am not the painter... just the canvas.
See there is an artist whose works are beyond beautiful. His imagination is more than any could hope to duplicate. No one can fathom His mysterious ways; however, they know His art is oh so beautiful to behold. Sometimes, people question His work. What is it going to be? How can He make beauty out of this mess of paint? When will He finish? But He sees the total picture. In His mind, there is no mess...only beautiful colors to work with. And, with a lot of patience, in His time, a master piece develops. Breathtaking in its own rite...

Wow that I could only catch a glimpse of the painting of my life! Sometimes, the promises He has made to me seem so far away. But, knowing it may be a brush stroke or two before it is complete makes the problems I am facing this hour seem so insignificant for my life time. I have to remember that some strokes of the brush are more difficult and some colors are darker than others. But those thumbnails are so tiny compared to the complete picture of my life.
God that I will have the strength today to make it through the uncomfortable minutes of my life; help me see the beauty of the hour. I love you God.
What a gorgeous picture! God has indeed done a marvelous work in you. This reminds me of one of my favorite poems, author anonymous:
ReplyDeleteMy life is but a weaving
Between my Lord and me.
I cannot choose the colors.
He worketh steadily.
Oft times He chooses sorrow,
And I, in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper,
While I, the lower side.
Not till the work is finished
And the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reasons why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the master craftsman's hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.
Beautiful! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteBecca, please consider doing a private bible study with me...i am yearning to understand more about God's Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth...BIBLE...Cynthia Dills
ReplyDeleteSweet pea... anytime you want to get together and talk about God.... we will!!! I will try to get you some info on my work schedule soon and we will work on times to meet. Do me a favor and make a list of some things about Him you want to know and we will research them together. I am excited about this group you invited me to join and I think we will learn so much from these ladies and each other! Love you!!!