I am not sure if it is proper. . .Maybe, maybe not; however, I am not afraid to walk up to someone and just ask them what fragrance they are wearing. In the 1980's, I remember a national newspaper columnist, Dear Abbey. People used to write to her (they may still, I don't know) and ask her opinion on so many random questions. Someone once asked her this question...."Is it proper to ask a lady what perfume she is wearing?" Her response? "Little things. Don't underestimate the power of the sense of smell." She went on to say that fragrance is important to attracting the opposite sex in all animals. Even human animals.
As a lady, I like to smell good. I have my preferences and I wear some sort of lovely fragrance everyday. I am not worried about attracting the opposite sex; I simply want to smell nice for all I come into contact with on a daily basis.
Why this random thought of mine? There is a method to my madness. . . :o)
God likes smells. Unlike us, He doesn't care about our bodies being fragrant in this fleshly realm. I doubt his nostrils have had the pleasure of entering bath and Body Works or Nordstroms fragrance counter... He cares about our spiritual aroma. How we smell in the spirit.
Throughout the Old Testament we see different instances of how a burnt offering was a pleasing fragrance to our almighty God. But don't kill the family pet just yet! In the Old Testament we were under a covenant of blood. It is different now. The ultimate sacrifice was made in Jesus! No longer are we required to torture and murder Innocent farm friends! The sacrifice of Christ has been made... through Him a new fragrance fills the air. . .
2 Corinthians 2:15 "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."
How sweet it is. When we accept Christ, we become an aroma pleasing to God. How many of us know how quickly a lovely smell will get our attention and bring us running! Don't believe me? Watch me walk by a bakery... You will have to drag me away from the smell!!!
That being said, do you need God right now? What perfume are you wearing?
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